Posts tagged foodsday
Tuesday Foodsday Polaroid Round Up

What is Tuesday Foodsday? Khan Shadid described last night's the best:

"The last two weeks my friends Michael, Alleha and I have been having a kick ass time every Tuesday making food and having dinner with a different set of friends each time. This has made my weeks exponentially better because:

People say things like: "If that's large, I'm doing very well in life"

Man crushes get revealed.

Occasionally a band like the Generationals is discovered.

Books are discussed (I'm not kidding, this actually happened!)

and new friends are made."

I took the opportunity the last two Tuesdays to use my new 680slr in combination with PX680 and some Expired Polaroid 780 Turbo (Exp 01/2008). And a word of advice, I wouldn't get film any older than this!

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