Photobook: Searching for Stillness Vol II

Photobook: Searching for Stillness Vol II
Michael Behlen’s Searching for Stillness Vol II is an examination of the experiences that make us feel alive. It is the symbolic journey of the mental transformation we undergo as we travel the pathway of human life. As we navigate through life's highs and lows searching for the moments that make us feel, we find that it’s not the destination, but the culmination of our travels that leads us towards the calm exhilaration of uncompromising mental clarity.
It is important to note that though this realization can feel permanent at the moment, it is a continuously fleeting epiphany. It can only be made permanent by our perpetual perseverance through life’s challenging peaks and deep emotional valleys. It can not be bought, cheated, or won with ease.
We must commit to reaching the sea beyond the mountains without knowing we will ever reach it. We must trust that the journey across the raging rivers of reality will eventually result in our ascension into emotional and mental enlightenment.
Ultimately, all of our journeys are vastly different but all remain archetypically similar. With this body of work, I hope to show you that beyond the trials and tribulations of this life’s journey there is a calm meditative stillness waiting for us all.
-Published by Static Age - May 2019
-56 Pages on Heavy Silk Paper
-Perfect Bound
-Limited to 100 Copies
-Box Set limited to 25 Copies (Includes a limited edition postcard set)
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